The only projects on my mind (over the past month anyway) have been these 3 pairs of socks.
And just as I typed that, I realized that there actually is one more pair that I feel really bad about forgetting to photograph! Before I forget, that pair is a late Christmas gift of Embossed Leaves in Cherry Tree Hill yarn. I'll get them photographed later. If I was actually knitting often, they would move along quickly like their beginnings. That pattern is so pretty and moves so quickly. Anyway, here are the other pairs I've got on the needles for the near future (again, I remembered one other pair ... grrr and ...).

This is the other pair that is a late Christmas gift! I finished the first one while visiting Texas in December and the recipient got to try them on for a custom fit. But, I forgot to take more yarn to begin the second one and you know once I'm home, things move s-l-o-w-l-y. I'm so close to finishing this pair though!
**So, I'm picking up where I left off on this post. I had to save it because I was unable to upload but the one photo the day I started the post. Since then, I've finished the pair of socks! I know, can you believe it? So sad, since the new year began I've had little knitting mojo, or rather any at all for anything. Anyway, they are lovely men's ribbed socks and I think my Mom's husband is going to love them.

They turned out well, I know they look a bit odd in the photo but I promise they aren't. I thought I'd taken wonderful, detailed notes so that I would know what numbers I used. But, as is customary for me, when I located the notes (they had dived off into a pile of papers) the only thing I'd made note of was my cast on number, the heel flap numbers and what I worked the foot on. The thing is, I had a hard time keeping the 2x2 ribbing on the instep, working smoothly, with the numbers that I settled on - that's where more details would have helped with sock #2. Still, I got it done and they look alike. -Here's a closeup to see the beauty of the yarn.

The yarn has a lot of depth that doesn't show up in many of the pictures. It's really a beautiful green, it is Fortissima yarn and took almost all of 2 skeins. Now that I have experience with this yarn, I would probably knit the cuffs just a bit longer but I was worried about running out of yarn. Also, I have to admit that aside from being very busy with school this year, there were 2 factors that had me dragging my feet on these socks. First, the yarn was very splitty so it slowed down knitting a bit. Then, to be safe in regard to fit, I switched from double pointed needles to 2 circulars when I started working the heel and instep. I have a love/hate relationship with 2 circulars. I always think it's going to be so much faster and easier when I start it, then I grow to resent the project. But, once I start that way, I can't really stop because my gauge varies from one method to the other - I knit much looser on 2 circulars. Regardless, I would consider using the yarn again because I think it's very resilient. And like I said, I think that the recipient is going to enjoy them. I've been meaning to knit him a pair of socks for years now.
Other socks ...

I'm not sure what yarn this is, it seems like it's Regia but I can't find the yarn band right now. Anyway, I was just curious as to how the glittery fair isle would knit up and it had been sitting in my stash for a long time. So, I picked it for yet another "first try" of toe up socks. And I have to say, this method is the first that worked for me, getting me to the heel and beyond! I used the toe up story from Ann Budd in the Summer 2007 issue of Interweave Knits and it's brilliant. I did have a few problems with the heel but since I went back and reknit, it's better. I think that most of it is just about me needing more experience with a short row heel. I 'finished' it yesterday but it is too short and my bind off was too tight. So, I just need to add a few more rows to make them proper anklets and learn a good bind off for toe up socks. I think I started these in October or November but I'm not sure at the moment. I checked Ravelry but I guess I never added the socks to my project list!
Last is a pair of socks from Mountain Colors Bearfoot for my Mom.

This yarn has beautiful variations in it. My Mom chose it for a pair of toe socks with picot edges and I think short row heels. That's sad, that is how long they've been languishing on the needles - I can't remember what heel she requested, will have to check on that. Regardless, they are already at the heel length because they are to be short socks. Before I continue on with these though, I will be picking up her Embossed Leaves again that I mentioned earlier.
So, I think that about covers at least half of the socks - OH! I almost forgot though, I actually cast on a new sock last night so that I could have a simple stockinette sock that will be knit with a heel flap so I have some mindless knitting. Because you know, I have started knitting again. So, here is that sock ...

They are being knit from the Regia Kaffe Fassett line of yarn. I'm pleased with the somewhat earthy stripiness (I say it's a word :p ).
So, now that really covers every knitting thing that I have any photos to show you. And I've gone on and on so I think that's probably it for now anyway.
I'm going to try to start posting a little something at least every other day, but it may not be much knitting. I don't know, maybe it will be knitting! Anyway, it would be good to post more often.