I started this new sock, for another sock pal, yesterday evening. This is Sockotta. I've never used this before, but I was in love with this color for a long time so I had to try it out. I really like the stripes, I hope the sock pal does too.
And this is the Bell Sleeve Shrug that I mentioned earlier. I started this Saturday night but I haven't worked on it since Sunday. This is a fast, easy knit. The pattern calls for Lion Brand's Wool Ease, which is what I'm using. But if I like the fit, I think I might make a black one in a cashmerino or merino yarn.
There really isn't much to see in that right now, since it's plain stockinette, aside from progress.
Aside from knitting . . . I spilled nail polish on some jeans this weekend. And in my haste to pick up the tipped over bottle, I went on to spill it on my new chair and the top of my laptop. Ughhh! So I freaked out wiping nail polish remover onto everything in an attempt to stop it from drying. I think I ruined the jeans (though I found some tips online about removing the nail polish, haven't tried them yet) but they were the least of my concern. There is now a slight tint on the chair and laptop. The scary part is that there is one streak on the laptop that now looks bleached. I don't know if that is from the nail polish or the polish and remover, but I think it's a little scary since both are used on people!
As for last night's blog worth entry, I snagged that from Larissa. I thought it was a little interesting in considering a blog's name.
Well, I'm off to work on the Sockotta socks now.